We are now officially registered as Conscious Entrepreneurs Community ry and we are so excited for this next step in our development.
For the past two plus years we have been growing organically, slowly underground without any web or social media presence. It has been a grass roots effort driven by the yearning to connect with fellow entrepreneurs and connect them with each other for peer-to-peer support, collaboration and collective growth.
Now in an effort to increase the visibility of our member’s, receive funding for our work to increase our services and to uplevel this community, we have registered as an non-profit organization.

Our bylaws state:
“The purpose of the association is to maintain a community of entrepreneurs and individuals aspiring to become entrepreneurs, who strive to create a positive impact through their business. The association's mission is to increase public awareness of the conscious development of business activities in terms of societal responsibility, sustainability and impact. In accordance with its mission, the association creates dialogue about conscious leadership and how we can utilize entrepreneurship to cultivate our collective future, and develops such training opportunities.”
One of our community founders, Minna Mustapää completed Humanity’s Team Conscious Business Change Angent training back in 2016 which semented her path as an impact driven entrepreneur. During the training she had the honour of learning directly from Ken Wilber, Dr. Alan Watkins, Hank Queen and many other great evolutionary leaders of our time. The Humanity’s Team Conscious Business declaration states:
A New Standard for Business in the 21st Century
As a global community of business leaders we are committed to developing the awareness and skills needed to consciously evolve our organizations in alignment with these principles:
We Are One with humanity and all of life. Business and all institutions of the human community are integral parts of a single reality — interrelated, interconnected and interdependent.
In line with this reality, the purpose of Business is to increase economic prosperity while contributing to a healthy environment and improving human wellbeing.
Business must go beyond sustainability and the philosophy of “do no harm” to restoring the self-renewing integrity of the Earth.
Business must operate with economic, social, and ecological transparency.
Business must behave as a positive and proactive member of the local and global communities in which it operates.
Business that sees, honors, and celebrates the essential interconnected nature of all human beings and all life maximizes human potential and helps create a world that works for all.
When aligned with Oneness, Business is the most powerful engine on Earth for creating prosperity and flourishing for all.
How excited do you feel when you read that declaration? If it’s a yes! And if you are looking to connect with fellow entrepreneurial change makers, then you can leave your interest in becoming a member here.
We are excited to live out this Conscious Business Declaration and the mission in our bylaws to create dialogue and training opportunities. Our first such next step is our Conscious Entrepreneurs’ Festival at Helsinki City Hall on the 10th March.